June 2022 - 0871 numbers will continue to operatue, but please consider alternatives
Following the clamping down of regulations of numbers that cost over 5p/minute to call (including 0871), we have managed to get agreement from Ofcom to retariff 0871 to 5p/min (+ access charge) - previously referred to as the "possible salvation". This means that there is no longer an immediate threat to their continued use.
Once a date has been agreed for the changeover, you should ensure that any promotion of your 0871 number has the wording "Calls to this number will be charged at 5p/min + your operator's access charge".
Furthermore, Ofcom and PSA would much rather use of all 08 numbers (other than 0800) was replaced by 03 equivalents. It is quite possible that the onerous regulations will be extended to cover these numbers in the not too distant future. By all means continue to use your 0871 numbers, but please consider a gradual migration.
Details of Alternatives
0371 numbers are tariffed in the same way as any 03 number or, indeed, any UK geographic number. So they will cost £3 for dmConnect12, £5 for dmVoice or dmFax. They will also attract usage charges - currently 1.25p/min to forward to UK landlines or 8p/min to mobiles (as of Aprl 2022)
We can provide the replacement 0371 number, waiving rental charges for 3 months to ease the transition.
Contact support@dmclub.net if you have any questions.