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GenX to GenU migration FAQs
How will you ensure that the upgrades are done smoothly?
- We will do an overlapped changeover (the old systems will not be immediately taken out of service). The reason why many upgrades fail is that the old service is stopped and the new service is started. It really is like burning your bridges!
- We will do batches of customers so that we can see how the experience runs with small groups before we do the bulk of the customers.
- We will give customers the option of choosing when to do the upgrade so that they can check the upgrade for themselves, rather than just have a surprise.
- Before we do it on customer accounts we will PRACTISE and TEST. Then do more PRACTISING and TESTING!
Why are you upgrading all the GenX services to GenU?
- The GenU platform is much better, with more services, higher performance, very high reliability and with the potential to migrate to additional functions and features.
- The GenX platform is old and expensive to operate and support.
How do I submit an FAQ?
Here's an example:
Subject: #1187 GenX to GenU Migration (2015): FAQ? Can you help me choose some nice VoIP handsets when I am upgraded?
I have a Switchboard (020 7060 1234), and I am interested in the VoIP abilities. We are keen to use VoIP because:
• We have some remote workers, and we want everyone to be able to handle our phone calls
• We would like to cut down the Line rental we pay BT every quarter.
Can you help me choose some VoIP handsets for my office, and must I buy them from you?
Can you help our IT support expert set them up?
How can we do the cross-over with zero downtime?