dmNews October 2010: Mobile vote - Personal Numbers - VoIP tips
Welcome back! In this month's issue: A jargon-busting look at Personal Numbers, and top tips for using dmConnect with VoIP.
On the go with Personal Numbers
Personal Numbers start '07...', like UK mobile numbers. They are free to set up, with no line rental, and inbound calls can be diverted to a wide range of destinations at no cost to you. Personal Numbers are ideal for on-the-go business people, who want to be able to give out a single contact number and divert calls easily, for example to their local mobile, wherever they happen to be.
Though different Personal Number ranges all offer the same basic, free
service, they vary in terms of divert costs, and how much it'll cost callers to
reach you. See below for a brief profile of dmClub's Personal Number ranges:
07-D (starting 07039): Free divert to UK land lines, while calls from UK mobiles will cost you a few pence per minute. 07-D numbers are generally cheaper for your callers, though (16.5ppm for weekday callers). 07-D numbers are especially suitable for business people working between the UK and Asia, with free diverts to both land lines and mobiles in China and Hong Kong.
07-K (starting 07040): 07-K numbers offer a free divert to UK land lines and mobiles, and a wide range of free international diverts. 07-K numbers are mid-priced for UK BT land line callers, who pay 37.5ppm weekdays.
07-PN2 (starting 07077): 07-PN2 numbers have the widest range of free divert destinations of the Personal Number ranges - but cost to callers is relatively high (eg 50ppm flat rate from a BT landline). 07-PN2 numbers are ideal for someone always on the go across multiple countries, who needs to be constantly available but wants people only to call when it's really urgent!
Tip of the month: Free dmConnect call routing with VoIP!
Did you know that by routing your dmConnect number to a VoIP (Voice
over IP) PABX you can receive inbound land calls from UK Geographic numbers
for free? You'll still pay your monthly rental, but you pay no usage
charges, making your dmConnect number a low-cost, fixed rate service.
If you've got a hosted or appliance PABX you can use our handy test VoIP address to check your connection. Then just add your account details in your Clubhouse control panel, and you're away!
To find out more about setting up VoIP routing for your dmConnect number, click here.
That's all for now! See you next month,
dmClub Community