Introducing ProTime
ProTime gives you access to a product expert, either for a one-to-one consultancy session, or to help complete a technical job. It is an opportunity for you to ask questions and explore how you can get the most out of your dmClub products.
You can book a ProTime session for a time that is convenient to you, up to two months in advance. All you need is a PC and a phone.
What topics can it cover?
dmClub offer ProTime consulting on a range of technical topics, from initial dmSwitchboard12 setup, to configuring your LAN for VoIP. For the full list of possibilities see #5095 ProTime topics
How it works: ProTime step-by-step
We manage each ProTime session with a "ticket" on our support system. At each step in the process your ticket has a status. This helps to ensure that ProTime sessions are productive and efficient.
Do the right preparation
Once you have paid for ProTime or bought a product that includes ProTime, go to the note for the corresponding ProTime topic (e.g. #5082 for dmSwitchboard12 Initial Setup).
This will outline any necessary preparation prior to scheduling your ProTime session; and will include useful background reading aimed at allowing you to get the best out of the session.
Status: Session_Briefing-Sent
Schedule your session
Having completed the preparation, fix an appointment for a ProTime session by contacting dmClub customer support.
Status: Session_Appointment-Confirmed
Have the session
This usually entails a phone call and screen-sharing. When the session is finished we will email you a PDF summary (the minutes).
Status: Session_Done-OK
Let us know how it went
All feedback can be sent to
Status: Feedback_Requested or Feedback_Given
Can I split a ProTime session into more than one appointment?
No. It is quite a lot of work to have a ProTime consultant available for an appointment, and it would not be feasible to do this.
Why do you record the sessions?
We find that sessions can be quite rapid from the point-of-view of customers. Sometimes they miss useful details. If they can watch the session again it can be very useful.
Related content
#5082 ProTime for dmSwitchboard12 setup
#5095 ProTime topics (including costs)