dmAnswers14 Pak frequently asked questions
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How do I buy a dmAnswers14 Pak?+
Please contact support.
Tel: +44 20 7060 2000
I have more than one phone number. Can I share my dmAnswers14 Pak across my numbers?+
Yes. As long as all the phone numbers are linked to the same dmCalls12 account.
If I have not used all the answers in my Pak by the time it has expired, can I roll them over?+
No. Once the Pak has expired, that is it. We have tried to make a generous expiry duration in the product. 50 answers over a 6 month period is slightly less than 2 answers per week.
What happens when my Pak is used up or expired?+
You will revert to paying for dmAnswers14 on the normal pay-as-you-go basis until you buy another dmAnswers14 Pak. It is possible to buy another dmAnswers14 Pak in advance of expiry to avoid losing out on savings.
Can I have more than one Pak of the same type at the same time?+
Yes. This is a good idea when your Pak is close to expiry or running out of answers. This is so that you do not have to revert back to a pay-as-you-go basis. The system will automatically use answers from the Pak that will expire the soonest (this is the best for you).
Can I have more than one type of Pak at the same time?+
Yes. If you have two or more numbers, and want to use different agent handling modes for different numbers then you would need more than one type of dmAnswers14 Pak. The system will select from the right type of Pak for the right type of answer. If you do not have a dmAnswers14 Pak for a particular agent handling mode then you will be charged on a pay-as-you-go basis for those specific answers.
I have purchased a Pak, but I am still being charged on a PAYG basis for some answers, why is that?+
1) The answer might be of a different type to the Pak that you purchased. E.g. you purchased Standard, but then started using Express.
2) The Pak may have expired or run out of answers.
3) If you have more than one dmCalls12 account, then the Service might be using the wrong account.
You can get more information by clicking on the A alongside your dmCalls12 call records enrty. Please contact support if you are still unsure.
What if I have several phone numbers but do not want them all to access my dmAnswers14 Pak?+
You can have more than one dmCalls12 in your clubhouse, and you can allocate specific phone numbers to specific dmCalls12 accounts. When you have done this then you simply allocate your dmAnswers14 Pak to the appropriate dmCalls12 account.